Devika Sirohi from Dr. Kuhn's Lab to Serve as a 2017 Trainee Councilor
Congratulations on your ACAV travel award Devika!Devika Sirohi was invited to serve as the 2017 Trainee Councilor for the American Committee on Arthropod-Borne Viruses a division of the American Society for Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. She was also awarded a travel award for the ASTMH annual meeting, which she just attended along with about 4,000 other scientists, clinicians, and others. There she presented two invited talks on her research.
“The ACAV executive council chooses a Trainee Councilor from the pool of travel award winners. The Trainee Councilor attends ACAV and ASTMH council meetings, participates in ACAV decisions, and prepares and implements student training and mentorship activities. The term of the position is one year, although in practice Trainee Councilors are asked to attend meetings at the start and end of their terms. The ultimate goal is to create a pool of talented junior researchers who will eventually take positions of leadership in ACAV and ASTMH. ”