Undergraduate Studies

Internship Opportunities for Majors in Biological Sciences
The Department has historically secured dedicated internships at Allergan and Apple Medical Corp. and spots in the University of Toledo’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program and MedStarz physician shadowing program. Look for updated information on these opportunities spring semester.
On campus, the Department of Biological Sciences has offered 25 Howard Hughes research internships each summer, two Sanford Ostroy Undergraduate Research Internships, and a Merck Manufacturing Division/Vaccine Sterile Quality Operations Research Experience for Undergraduates. A physician shadowing program is also available throughout the year for students interested in a medical career.
In addition, our office receives approximately 30 internship listings each year. These opportunities are made known to our students through the weekly Biology Counseling News e-mail.
Purdue faculty have close contact with faculty at these institutions. If interested, please contact Dr. Louis Sherman for additional information, lsherman@purdue.edu.
Sources for finding internships:
Biology Counseling News weekly e-mails